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Doublin up on the October Challenge!

Yep, as usual I missed the weekday posting of the challenge mani and am posting two for you today!  I am seriously feeling like a horrible challenge slacker! :( Why are weekdays so hard for challenges? I know why! Because when I get home from work it's dinner, help kids with homework, spend a little time with the kids before they go to bed, do whatever needs to be done around the house and then TV time with hubby before it's off to slumber-land! Weekends are much easier, so I have two today and then there is only one day left of the challenge after these two! I will do that one on the 30th so I can have Halloween nails for work! hehe So I will have that one posted on the right day, weird! ;)

Here's my challenge post for the 25th, Mummy!
I used a black base and then stamped with the BM-309 plate (that is like wood planks) Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" in multiple layers trying to make it look "wrapped". Then used the dotting tool to make eyes with WnW Black and Sinful Colors Hot Hot Heat.

Here's my challenge nails for today, the 28th, for which the theme is Halloween Character.  It seemed to me that a lot of people were doing Frankenstein and he was my original plan until I saw that was also the plan of many other people. haha So I went with a spin on one I saw my mombo do and that I have seen a lot of others do as well, but couldn't tell you specifically who as I just saw them as I was perusing blogs or pinterest.  I don't *think* I am exactly copying anyone, but if I am it is unintentional.  I just know I have seen it multiple times with many different versions of mouths and eyes and noses and blah, blah, blah... I just wanted to try it so I did. lol!
Colors used are Sinful Colors "Happy Ending", Kleancolor "Metallic Orange", Sinful Colors "Gone Platinum" and Ulta "Sun-Sational".

Here's the links to check out the rest of the awesome challenge mani's! :)



simmi5 said... [Reply]

Great job, Punk!

nail crazy said... [Reply]

skittles skulls, love it :D
nice job with mummies too :D

IsaBella said... [Reply]

Nice manis! :) My fav are frakies. :D

IsaBella said... [Reply]


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