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Starting an October Challenge tomorrow!!

Before I talk about the challenge, I have to tell you that I got my Black Spotted!!! I GOT IT!!! My Mombo is totes AH-MAZING!!  I almost had a heart attack though, because I walked in the front door after working 10 hours and could smell nail polish. Then I saw the package from my mom wrapped in clear packaging from the post office and I almost puked! I opened it, almost crying, and peeked in... WHEW! She had sent me the black spotted and a bottle of base coat, and the base coat was everywhere, but the black spotted was safe! Yay! Thank goodness! I don't have pics yet though, I haven't quite gotten the hang of it and it looks pretty wonky so far! hehe Soon though! Promise! hehehehehe So exciting!!!

Starting tomorrow I am participating in my first ever challenge!  I saw it on one of the blogs I follow and I just had to jump in on it! hehe  Here's the challenge if any of you other bloggers reading it (or any non-bloggers want to follow along and do the challenge, too) want to join!

So tomorrow along with Mombo Monday, you will also get to see my Halloween Pumpkin mani! Hooray! :)

Sorry for the short post tonight, I just wanted to get that in there real quick... lots of good TV on tonight and then I am off to bed! Hope you all had a great weekend!



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