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Featured Artist Friday!!

A little late today because I almost forgot! Yikes! Doesn't help that I am freezing my buns off and just want to curl up in my blankets and snuggle in for the night.. haha I got un-snuggled though because I could NOT ignore my FAF today! I am excited to announce today's artist! Let's get to it!

This Friday the featured artist is......


Oh the lovely Rachel, I am so happy someone nominated her! :)  I love so many of her mani's and I was just waiting to see who would nominate Rachel and which mani they would choose! hehe  Rachel is my brother-in-laws cousin, so we are not really related, but I say we are. ;)  She has ah-mazing taste in polish and a new great mani every darn time I turn around. I am quite jealous of her growing indie collection though, she just keeps buying and buying... I think she needs a nail polish anonymous group! bahaha (don't we all?!) She is a major sweetheart and I just love her to pieces!

Rachel was nominated by Renee Smith and she chose the first mani I will show you, and then I picked my favorite mani she did recently to show off!  She rocks!

Burberry mani! LOVE it! 

Here's my fave from the past few weeks that she has done...
I LOVE Nightmare Before Christmas, and this mani rocked my world when I saw it! hehe I love it so much! I wish I would have thought of it first! lol It's so great!

Okay,  I am going to be brutally honest an bat my eyes and give you pouty face Toni now. :( I have NO MORE submissions in line for Featured Artist Friday!  Do I have to BEG?? I need you people! 
Send me your favorite mani and let me show you off! ;)

PRETTY PLEASE?  It's REALLY time to get your submissions in for Featured Artist Friday and then get your buns over here every Friday to see who the next artist is!

It could be YOU! Go do it HERE, pretty please? (with sugar on top?)

I hope all of you on the east coast are all well and okay!  
Have a great weekend everyone!



simmi5 said... [Reply]

Rachel does rock! And she IS family! lol

Polish Makes Me Happy said... [Reply]

Woooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooo
Congrats Rachel!!! You are rockin' the mani's, I tell ya!!!!

Unknown said... [Reply]

Awwww Toni, you are too kind :) THANKS!!

Unknown said... [Reply]

Yes, she IS!!!! :) Proud to have her in the fam!

Unknown said... [Reply]

Ditto to that, she is totes rockin the mani's!

Unknown said... [Reply]

@Rachel Magelky
Naw, I only speak the truth, girl! :) hehe

Unknown said... [Reply]

Oh...She is GOOD!

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