Last Mombo Monday of January 2013 already? Sheesh! This month just flew right on by. It's just about time for all those fancy red and pink, lovey-dovey heart filled Valentine's day manicures! hehe For now though, I have some more awesome manis done by the amazing Mombo, aka my mom! ;) I keep seeing her nails all over the place and I get so excited "those are my Mom's nails!" But sometimes there is no credit to my mom (and yes, sometimes it is her own fault for not watermarking her older photos) and that just makes my blood boil a bit. Still, it's exciting that people are also in love with my Mombo's nails! lol Anyway.... here are some more to drool over! ;)
Fricking fan-tabulous! Love this! She used Orly Space Cadet, Konad Black and stamped with DRK-A
The new OPI Liquid Sand Get Your Number I just loooooove the look of this!! I know I don't normally show her manis of just one color, but I had to show this because I heart it so much! haha Plus, how great does it look on those Custom Nail Solution nails??
Yet another FAB water marble! Argh! (No, I'm not a pirate, lol) Love the color on this marble, and the swirlies! She used SH White, Sinful Colors Amethyst and China Glaze Light as Air
Why the $@#%* can't mine do this? I am just blaming it on the temperature in the house. ;) haha
I don't think I will be around much this week as there has been a death in my husband's family and both of my kids are in separate productions, one play and one musical and both have practices all week after work times. My son has the lead in his musical and his schedule will keep us quite busy running around and my daughter's play is actually wrapping up soon. It is now almost to dress rehearsal so that makes it quite busy since it's wrapping up all the loose ends and the long practice times start, too! Yuck!
Anyway... I want to get some of my mani pics up, too, as soon as my gross dry cuticles become ungross! LOL For now, I wish you all an amazing week!
ALMOST TO 100!!!
Posted by
on Sunday, January 27, 2013
Comments: (1)
Just a quickie before I lay down, getting one of those damn migraines again and I want to take a pill and turn the lights out before it gets BAD!
I only need 12 more blog followers to get to 100!
Tomorrow Mombo Monday will be posted in the morning! ;)
Mombo wants to sponsor a giveaway when I get to 100 followers, also! woohoo!!:D She's the best!
Mombo Monday **Special Edition - Road Trip**
Posted by
on Monday, January 21, 2013
Mombo Monday,
Road Trip
Comments: (6)
It's Mombo Monday time! This week it's a special edition because Mombo and I took a road trip with Cara aka Fox Claws and Dani from our Nail Group to do some shopping in Racine, WI! So besides seeing some fabulous nail pics from Mombo, you also get a few fun pics from the road trip! ;)
I just want to say that when Dani first posted that there was a store with Kleancolor polish 5 for $3.99 I was totes jealous and immediately thought ROAD TRIP! When I posted: "Cara, should we take a road trip this weekend?" I did not expect that it would actually happen, but I am SO happy it did! We had sooooo much fun! Once Cara, Dani and I were in and Dani had found the store and place to meet, I called Mombo and she was "pondering" the idea. That didn't take long though and she was in shortly after. Mombo picked me up, then we picked Cara up and talked like maniacs the whole way to the mall. Then we were like teenagers in the mall with the polish, not to mention messing around in Claire's (which you see below in the pics). Such a blast, I would do it again tomorrow if I could, minus the 40-50 mph wind gusts the entire drive that made Mombo's arms and hands hurt!
We all got lots of goodies. Mombo ended up with 50 bottles of polish! Dani and Cara didn't get quite as many bottles as we did, but Cara did clean out Burlington of the peppermint bark that was left! haha I had a total count of 27 bottles. I also got a new coat, 2 sweaters, a pair of shoes 5 bottles of scented polish for my daughter (not counted in my 27), and some random stuff like polish remover, cotton balls, etc.
Here's some pics and then some awesome mani's! :)
Road Trip Mani's!
(L) Cara, (Top) Me, (R) Mombo, (Bottom) Dani
Being goofy in Claire's!
(L to R) Dani, Me, Cara aka Fox Claws
(L to R) Dani, Mombo, Cara aka Fox Claws
Onto Mombo's Mani's!! :)
Layla Flash Black stamped with "10" Professional The Little Black Dress - DRK-A
This is what she wore on our road trip, Love it!
Stamped with Hits Mari Moon Unconventional over Metro Too Chic
I love that stamp and the colors are super pretty! Great with her skin tones, too!
Mentality Antisocial stamped and mattified! This looks great matte, doesn't it? I love the look! This polish is SO hard to remove though, oh my goodness is it a pain in the buns! lol A good one for that glue trick for sure! ;)
So that's the Mombo Monday special edition! I hope you liked this weeks goofy pics from the road trip!
Have a great week!
I just want to say that when Dani first posted that there was a store with Kleancolor polish 5 for $3.99 I was totes jealous and immediately thought ROAD TRIP! When I posted: "Cara, should we take a road trip this weekend?" I did not expect that it would actually happen, but I am SO happy it did! We had sooooo much fun! Once Cara, Dani and I were in and Dani had found the store and place to meet, I called Mombo and she was "pondering" the idea. That didn't take long though and she was in shortly after. Mombo picked me up, then we picked Cara up and talked like maniacs the whole way to the mall. Then we were like teenagers in the mall with the polish, not to mention messing around in Claire's (which you see below in the pics). Such a blast, I would do it again tomorrow if I could, minus the 40-50 mph wind gusts the entire drive that made Mombo's arms and hands hurt!
We all got lots of goodies. Mombo ended up with 50 bottles of polish! Dani and Cara didn't get quite as many bottles as we did, but Cara did clean out Burlington of the peppermint bark that was left! haha I had a total count of 27 bottles. I also got a new coat, 2 sweaters, a pair of shoes 5 bottles of scented polish for my daughter (not counted in my 27), and some random stuff like polish remover, cotton balls, etc.
Here's some pics and then some awesome mani's! :)
Road Trip Mani's!
(L) Cara, (Top) Me, (R) Mombo, (Bottom) Dani
Being goofy in Claire's!
(L to R) Dani, Me, Cara aka Fox Claws
(L to R) Dani, Mombo, Cara aka Fox Claws
Onto Mombo's Mani's!! :)
Layla Flash Black stamped with "10" Professional The Little Black Dress - DRK-A
This is what she wore on our road trip, Love it!
Stamped with Hits Mari Moon Unconventional over Metro Too Chic
I love that stamp and the colors are super pretty! Great with her skin tones, too!
Mentality Antisocial stamped and mattified! This looks great matte, doesn't it? I love the look! This polish is SO hard to remove though, oh my goodness is it a pain in the buns! lol A good one for that glue trick for sure! ;)
So that's the Mombo Monday special edition! I hope you liked this weeks goofy pics from the road trip!
Have a great week!
Swatched! Maya Cosmetics: Surly, Sugar Rush and Hyperbole!
Posted by
on Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Maya Cosmetics,
Polish Review
Comments: (0)
I have some ah-mazing polishes to show you today from Maya Cosmetics! Every polish I have from Maya Cosmetics is of superb quality and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about them.
I am warning you in advance, the pictures this time around are not up to par with my normal photos. For some reason I was having issues with my camera and lighting. I am going to make a lightbox and buy another light before I do swatches again because I was just not happy with the consistency of these. I took about 50 pictures, and of those 50, these were the only ones I could post because the rest were totally not the right color. I am so mad! Especially since I used my Nikon D40 DSLR... grrrr! Anyway... on to the polish! ;)
First up is Sugar Rush! Sugar Rush is a micro and small satin/matte pastel pink, hot pink, and white glitters in a sheer pink base. I opted to put 2 coats over a white base because I wanted it to be very pink! I totes love how it turned out! It kind of reminded me of being a kid and drinking strawberry Quik! Do you remember that delicious strawberry milk? It went on much smoother than it looks like it would and it has a great gritty look without being super rough. I used one coat of seche vite and that made it shiny and smooth as can be! Pink perfection! You can pick Sugar Rush up now for $8.00, but prices are going up in February to $9.50, so pick them up before the jump! ;)
Next up is Surly! Surly is my fave of the bunch this time, because dark polishes are totes my style! ;) This is described as a dark purple/grey with a fuschia/pink shimmer. I wore this mani to work with grey dress slacks, a purple blouse and a grey sweater. Perfect! I tried SO hard to get the shimmer to show in the pictures, but my camera and lighting just did not want to cooperate for me, it is just gorgeous! This is almost a one coat polish, but I used two coats just to get a nice thick coat with lots of shimmer. Under the lights at work this polish was workin it's magic for sure! Perfect formula, dried fast, no issues at all. Love!
Definitely pick this one up before the price jump in February if you are a fan of shimmers or greys! You won't regret Surly at all!
Last but not least is Hyperbole! From my understanding, Hyperbole is a re-release, but it's slightly different than it was previously. It is described as pink, orange, chartreuse, blue glitters in a sheer blue base. Very fun is how I describe it! lol This is just two coats, I could have done another, but I didn't want to overload on the glitter and I already had a pretty good amount in just two coats. I didn't really have to place it either, just a few near the base of my nail. I also love to use blue polish even though I don't own many blue items of clothing... so many times I just wear it with white. With all the fun colors here I could wear it a lot! I also don't have many sheer colored base polishes, and I can still see my nail line, but that's alright with me. I know I could remedy that with a base coat if need be. This polish is great and the glitter is so fun! I am loving glitters like this lately so I am all over it. It's $8.00 until January 31st, so run and pick up Hyperbole now! ;) It will still be available after the 31st, but it will be $9.50 after the 31st.
I am warning you in advance, the pictures this time around are not up to par with my normal photos. For some reason I was having issues with my camera and lighting. I am going to make a lightbox and buy another light before I do swatches again because I was just not happy with the consistency of these. I took about 50 pictures, and of those 50, these were the only ones I could post because the rest were totally not the right color. I am so mad! Especially since I used my Nikon D40 DSLR... grrrr! Anyway... on to the polish! ;)
First up is Sugar Rush! Sugar Rush is a micro and small satin/matte pastel pink, hot pink, and white glitters in a sheer pink base. I opted to put 2 coats over a white base because I wanted it to be very pink! I totes love how it turned out! It kind of reminded me of being a kid and drinking strawberry Quik! Do you remember that delicious strawberry milk? It went on much smoother than it looks like it would and it has a great gritty look without being super rough. I used one coat of seche vite and that made it shiny and smooth as can be! Pink perfection! You can pick Sugar Rush up now for $8.00, but prices are going up in February to $9.50, so pick them up before the jump! ;)

Definitely pick this one up before the price jump in February if you are a fan of shimmers or greys! You won't regret Surly at all!

Whew! That was so much fun! I love swatching polish! My cuticles probably don't love it so much, haha, but I sure do! ;)
Maya Cosmetics also had some other awesome polishes that were newly released this month including Greyscale, Graceless Lady, Flyin' Solo and MORE!!! You really just need to browse the shop, because there is tons of smokin hot polish up in there! In fact, I am off to browse right now!
*Polishes in this post were provided to me for swatching and all opinions are my own. Please see "Info" tab for full disclaimer.
Mombo Monday!!
Posted by
on Monday, January 14, 2013
Mombo Monday
Comments: (0)
I'm back!! Mombo Monday today and tomorrow I will be back again with some swatches of some awesome new releases from Maya Cosmetics! I wanted to post them Sunday, but after swatching, taking pictures, not being happy with lighting and then ultimately with the pictures, and putting the watermarks on it was 10:00pm by the time I was finished. :( So Tuesday is the day. Although I did put them up on facebook! ;)
I wanted to mention that it seems like some people that come to the blog think the Mombo Monday mani's are mine... understandable if you just look and don't read I guess. But I want Mombo to get credit for her mani's! Maybe this will help? I found this cute pic of me and my Mombo from the Bon Jovi concert we went to in 2011. Pay no attention to the guy in the background, we were snapping pics like crazy he was probably talking about the crazy ladies in front of them! haha
Mombo and me! :)
So back to the matter at hand! Mombo Monday has been missed and I am excited to be back with my fun nod to my Mombo! She had a lot to choose from over the past few weeks I have missed, so here are 3 for you all today! :)
First up is another ah-mazing water marble! Mombo can still rock it out! ;) hehe
She used Butter London Bossy Boots and OPI -Uh Oh Roll Down The Window. (That name is hilarious!)
Love the green and the trippy drippy water marble swoops! hehe
This was Mombo's New Years mani, and she called this a fail?!? She cray-cray! I love this!
Julep Michelle, one coat of Orly Shine On Crazy Diamond, and used the firework image from MM02 with Studio M Magic Attraction
I think this looks totes awesome! Like fireworks! Love!!!
Last but not least, another fricking awesome water marble! I need to practice so I can try to catch up to her highness! LOL This was before Christmas, hence the Christmas colors...
Essie Forever Yummy and Sinful Rise and Shine; over white base
I love my Mombo! Although, she is the one to blame for my nail polish obsession. The reason that I spent almost every penny of my Christmas money on nail polish. The reason I have 3 shelves of polish filled and no room for another so now my desk now has polish lined up all over it as well. She is the reason I have to continuously buy nail polish remover and acetone, orange sticks, cuticle oil, hand cream, etc.. haha I still love her to pieces. Ask my hubby if he still loves her as much and you may get a different answer! HAHA! (Just kidding, he doesn't blame you at all, he only blames me! He's such a brat!) Anyway... I'm glad Mombo Monday is back and I hope you all are too! ;)
Have a great week everyone!
I wanted to mention that it seems like some people that come to the blog think the Mombo Monday mani's are mine... understandable if you just look and don't read I guess. But I want Mombo to get credit for her mani's! Maybe this will help? I found this cute pic of me and my Mombo from the Bon Jovi concert we went to in 2011. Pay no attention to the guy in the background, we were snapping pics like crazy he was probably talking about the crazy ladies in front of them! haha
Mombo and me! :)
So back to the matter at hand! Mombo Monday has been missed and I am excited to be back with my fun nod to my Mombo! She had a lot to choose from over the past few weeks I have missed, so here are 3 for you all today! :)
First up is another ah-mazing water marble! Mombo can still rock it out! ;) hehe
She used Butter London Bossy Boots and OPI -Uh Oh Roll Down The Window. (That name is hilarious!)
Love the green and the trippy drippy water marble swoops! hehe
This was Mombo's New Years mani, and she called this a fail?!? She cray-cray! I love this!
Julep Michelle, one coat of Orly Shine On Crazy Diamond, and used the firework image from MM02 with Studio M Magic Attraction
I think this looks totes awesome! Like fireworks! Love!!!
Last but not least, another fricking awesome water marble! I need to practice so I can try to catch up to her highness! LOL This was before Christmas, hence the Christmas colors...
Essie Forever Yummy and Sinful Rise and Shine; over white base
I love my Mombo! Although, she is the one to blame for my nail polish obsession. The reason that I spent almost every penny of my Christmas money on nail polish. The reason I have 3 shelves of polish filled and no room for another so now my desk now has polish lined up all over it as well. She is the reason I have to continuously buy nail polish remover and acetone, orange sticks, cuticle oil, hand cream, etc.. haha I still love her to pieces. Ask my hubby if he still loves her as much and you may get a different answer! HAHA! (Just kidding, he doesn't blame you at all, he only blames me! He's such a brat!) Anyway... I'm glad Mombo Monday is back and I hope you all are too! ;)
Have a great week everyone!
DIFFERENT dimension "Warm Fuzzies" swatches and review!
Posted by
on Sunday, December 30, 2012
Different Dimension,
Polish Review
Comments: (5)
Before I get to the beautifulness that is "Warm Fuzzies" I want to first apologize for being MIA over the holiday hecticness. It was just way too crazy for me and I could barely keep my head on straight, let alone sit down to blog. I wanted to but time was not on my side. lol I procrastinated on giftage, the kids had too much going on, work didn't help and wrapping and traveling were the death of me! :-/ I am making one of my resolutions to spend more time blogging though! I love it so much and just want to do it more and more! :) I hope you all had amazing holidays with your families and friends and hopefully the new year will bring wonderful things as well!
On to the superb "Warm Fuzzies" from Different Dimension! Missi's polishes have quickly become one of my favorites, and when this mini bottle appeared with my last order I instantly knew I must show everyone how beautiful it is! I passed it by in the shop purely because I don't normally buy brown polish... but I have already worn this twice because it is gorgeous! Nobody should pass it by! lol
Look at the AMAZING brown-holo-sparkle-goodness that is warm fuzzies! It totes gives me the warm fuzzies to wear it and show it to you! It is gorgeous! I had a hard time taking pictures of it because it is so holo-ey/sparkly! This is two coats and it went on perfectly smooth like butta!
Here are some more pics, I am sorry there are so many, but I couldn't get that "perfect shot" so I just took a lot! haha
Seriously.. it is so beautimous! I give it a 10 fo sho! Great formula, great application with 2 coats to full opacity, no streaks or brush marks, dried quickly and I top coated with seche vite and this is STILL how much bling I got! ;)
You can find Warm Fuzzies HERE at Missi's Etsy Shop called Different Dimension. I have never been disappointed with a purchase from her and highly recommend this shop because I don't believe you would be disappointed either!
I hope you enjoyed my pics and review!
*HUGS* to you all!
On to the superb "Warm Fuzzies" from Different Dimension! Missi's polishes have quickly become one of my favorites, and when this mini bottle appeared with my last order I instantly knew I must show everyone how beautiful it is! I passed it by in the shop purely because I don't normally buy brown polish... but I have already worn this twice because it is gorgeous! Nobody should pass it by! lol
Look at the AMAZING brown-holo-sparkle-goodness that is warm fuzzies! It totes gives me the warm fuzzies to wear it and show it to you! It is gorgeous! I had a hard time taking pictures of it because it is so holo-ey/sparkly! This is two coats and it went on perfectly smooth like butta!
Here are some more pics, I am sorry there are so many, but I couldn't get that "perfect shot" so I just took a lot! haha
Seriously.. it is so beautimous! I give it a 10 fo sho! Great formula, great application with 2 coats to full opacity, no streaks or brush marks, dried quickly and I top coated with seche vite and this is STILL how much bling I got! ;)
You can find Warm Fuzzies HERE at Missi's Etsy Shop called Different Dimension. I have never been disappointed with a purchase from her and highly recommend this shop because I don't believe you would be disappointed either!
I hope you enjoyed my pics and review!
*HUGS* to you all!
Nails for Newtown
Posted by
on Sunday, December 16, 2012
For A Cause,
Nails For Newtown
Comments: (12)
I wanted to get this up on here yesterday, but it was a day I spent with my daughter just having mommy and daughter time. We went to ice skate with Santa, then watched a movie and had crackers, cheese, cookies and cocoa! After that we watched TV and just goofed around until the boys got home. I enjoyed every second with my little girl and cherished it even more in light of the events in Newtown. My heart is crying for each and every one of those children, family members, staff, and all involved. The nail community was doing white nails for Newtown, so here is my mani. I used Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" and Maya Cosmetics "Gathering" as a topcoat for the angelic sparkle.
Featured Artist Friday!!
Posted by
on Friday, December 14, 2012
Featured Artist Friday
Comments: (5)
Oh my goodness this month is way too busy for me! lol Sorry I missed last week's Featured Artist, but as I said in my Mombo Monday post, I was down with a migraine last weekend. Totes lame. I am doing good so far this Friday though! lol No migraine, just tired because apparently kids have a lot of things to do in December and so do parents! Anyone have a stop watch? I need more time! lol Right now it is time for this weeks featured artist though! Yay!
It could totes be you... Go do it HERE, pretty please? (with sugar on top?)
Happy weekend everyone!
This week our Featured Artist is one who has gotten a lot of attention lately...
Cara was nominated by Kathy Blixt and I was so excited! You see, Cara and I live a short distance from each other so we got to chatting and started a nice friendship online. I can't wait to meet her in person someday and try out all her fun indie polishes while I'm at it! Haha! Cara has some amazing polish skills, a great Blog and even has her own Etsy shop selling some sweet Nail Polish Shelves! See how rockin she is? :) (For real, check those links out, I promise you'll be happy you did!) Here's the mani that Kathy nominated, and the Christmasy mani I picked to show you! I opted not to go with her now famous snowflake mani only because I think everyone and their brother has seen it already! lol!! It is truly amaze-balls to the max!
Here's the first mani that Kathy nominated: (cara, if you want to send me an updated one with your watermark on it that would be superb!)
Not sure on the polishes used but I know that the glitter is an unreleased Too-Cuticle glitter!? Awesomeness!!!
Here's my choice:
Jindie Nails - Grinch. Love it! Cara has such pretty nails, and this polish is gorgeous also! Just love it all! :)
Is it your turn next?? It could be YOU! Get your submissions in for Featured Artist Friday and then get your buns over here every Friday to see who the next artist is!
It could totes be you... Go do it HERE, pretty please? (with sugar on top?)
Happy weekend everyone!
A Snowy Mombo Monday!
Posted by
on Monday, December 10, 2012
Mombo Monday
Comments: (2)
Woke up to lots of snow this morning but not enough to put any delays on the morning! Nothing like the delays my head put on the weekend. :( Migraine city. In fact, the bathroom is without a faucet still because I couldn't get out of bed to go pick one out since the one we had already chosen wasn't going to work. I still have a slight migraine, but it is livable now at least. The computer monitor light is a killer though and my head does not like it at ALL so work is difficult and so is this! So I am going to quickly post my Mombo's manis and shut this thing down! I apologize SO much for not getting Featured Artist Friday up and for being absent so much lately. I am sure after the holidays it will be a little easier!
Here's Mombo's awesome mani's!
Supa cute, Mombo!! She used Pure Ice Taupe Drawer stamped with China Glaze Admire
Love this color! Mombo used OPI Warm and Fozzie for this mani!
This is my fave for the week!
A England St. George dabbed with L'Oreal The Queen's Ambition
That's all for now folks, I need this light away from my eyes to save my noggin! :(
Have a great week everyone!
Here's Mombo's awesome mani's!
Supa cute, Mombo!! She used Pure Ice Taupe Drawer stamped with China Glaze Admire
Love this color! Mombo used OPI Warm and Fozzie for this mani!
This is my fave for the week!
A England St. George dabbed with L'Oreal The Queen's Ambition
That's all for now folks, I need this light away from my eyes to save my noggin! :(
Have a great week everyone!
Mombo Monday!
Posted by
on Monday, December 3, 2012
Custom Nail Solutions,
Mombo Monday
Comments: (4)
Monday again, already? I wish weekends didn't go by so quickly. We got a lot done this weekend though! Christmas tree is up, decorations are up, tile is ready to be laid in the bathroom tomorrow and the house is as clean as it's going to get for now! No sense in cleaning the den with everything from the bathroom in it right now, lol! Besides getting all that done, I am still battling whatever this nasty virus is and I am feeling like crud. I can only hope it is going away soon. The only thing keeping me going is knowing that I have it NOW rather than at Christmas. So let's cross our fingers it is gone soon! :(
As I write this, Mombo is in Vegas... Hmfph.... :P lol Want to see what she's sporting on her nails while she's there?? Here you go:
Of course it's a "Mombo Marble"! haha OPI I Break for Manicures, Zoya Caitlin and Megan, topcoated with Spectraflair
Perfect, as usual... Love all the pretty shades of purple!! Also, she got another new set of custom nails from Custom Nail Solutions, this set is glamour length. Pretty nice, right??
Here's another fun one! She must be on a purple kick this week! hehe
Sinful Colors Amethyst stamped with Color Club Fashion Addict
I always love this stamp when I see it on a mani, but I have never used it!
Last but not least, using a color I am totes in love with (I am the Walrus by Enchanted Polish)...
Not sure what color she used to stamp with, and I am not going to bother her while she's in Vegas, but I love this mani! I neeeeeeed the whole Enchanted Polish Beatles collection. For those of you that don't know me well enough, I have a slight obsession with The Beatles. ;) I love them, and I love this polish and all the rest in the collection... but they are totes not in my budget now or probs not in the near future unfortunately. :(
That's all for this Mombo Monday! Back to work for the week and hopefully back to healthy super soon!
I hope you all have an amazing week!!!!!!
As I write this, Mombo is in Vegas... Hmfph.... :P lol Want to see what she's sporting on her nails while she's there?? Here you go:
Of course it's a "Mombo Marble"! haha OPI I Break for Manicures, Zoya Caitlin and Megan, topcoated with Spectraflair
Perfect, as usual... Love all the pretty shades of purple!! Also, she got another new set of custom nails from Custom Nail Solutions, this set is glamour length. Pretty nice, right??
Here's another fun one! She must be on a purple kick this week! hehe
Sinful Colors Amethyst stamped with Color Club Fashion Addict
I always love this stamp when I see it on a mani, but I have never used it!
Last but not least, using a color I am totes in love with (I am the Walrus by Enchanted Polish)...
Not sure what color she used to stamp with, and I am not going to bother her while she's in Vegas, but I love this mani! I neeeeeeed the whole Enchanted Polish Beatles collection. For those of you that don't know me well enough, I have a slight obsession with The Beatles. ;) I love them, and I love this polish and all the rest in the collection... but they are totes not in my budget now or probs not in the near future unfortunately. :(
That's all for this Mombo Monday! Back to work for the week and hopefully back to healthy super soon!
I hope you all have an amazing week!!!!!!