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DIFFERENT dimension "Warm Fuzzies" swatches and review!

Before I get to the beautifulness that is "Warm Fuzzies" I want to first apologize for being MIA over the holiday hecticness. It was just way too crazy for me and I could barely keep my head on straight, let alone sit down to blog. I wanted to but time was not on my side. lol I procrastinated on giftage, the kids had too much going on, work didn't help and wrapping and traveling were the death of me! :-/ I am making one of my resolutions to spend more time blogging though! I love it so much and just want to do it more and more! :) I hope you all had amazing holidays with your families and friends and hopefully the new year will bring wonderful things as well!

On to the superb "Warm Fuzzies" from Different Dimension!  Missi's polishes have quickly become one of my favorites, and when this mini bottle appeared with my last order I instantly knew I must show everyone how beautiful it is!  I passed it by in the shop purely because I don't normally buy brown polish... but I have already worn this twice because it is gorgeous! Nobody should pass it by! lol
Look at the AMAZING brown-holo-sparkle-goodness that is warm fuzzies! It totes gives me the warm fuzzies to wear it and show it to you! It is gorgeous! I had a hard time taking pictures of it because it is so holo-ey/sparkly! This is two coats and it went on perfectly smooth like butta!
Here are some more pics, I am sorry there are so many, but I couldn't get that "perfect shot" so I just took a lot! haha

Seriously.. it is so beautimous! I give it a 10 fo sho! Great formula, great application with 2 coats to full opacity, no streaks or brush marks, dried quickly and I top coated with seche vite and this is STILL how much bling I got! ;)

You can find Warm Fuzzies HERE at Missi's Etsy Shop called Different Dimension.  I have never been disappointed with a purchase from her and highly recommend this shop because I don't believe you would be disappointed either!

I hope you enjoyed my pics and review!

*HUGS* to you all!


simmi5 said... [Reply]

loving and wanting this!

Unknown said... [Reply]

Very pretty! Makes me think different about brown

Unknown said... [Reply]

I love all the polishes I have from DD, Mombo, you can't go wrong! ;)

Unknown said... [Reply]

Exactly what it did for me, Norma! I'm probs going to need to buy the full size bottle! She's got a 35% off sale going on today! !

Unknown said... [Reply]

My cosmetics bag's are affluence with vast of products. There are few nail-polish, I love pink color nail-polish with my distressed denim shorts. Really appreciable beauty products collection. I love to read your blog as it introduce me with many updated products.Thank you for nice post.

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