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It is HOT outside today!! It's almost 90, it's the end of August, and it's Wisconsin! What is going on? It just isn't right! lol  I was looking forward to sweatshirt and jeans weather by now!  

That isn't why I am posting though, the reason I am posting this afternoon is because I was playing around on the internet on Pinterest, and then on YouTube, and Facebook, and reading my fave blogs... and then I decided I was going to find the best ways to clean up the polish around my nails after I paint them since I am still not great at doing that. At the moment I am cleaning my cuticles up with an orange stick dipped in acetone. It definitely works, but it is time consuming! I found a YouTube video that I thought I would share just in the event that any of my readers (I know there are so very few of you, but maybe there will be more someday) had the same issue as I have!


This video was posted by Mary from "A Love Tart" and she can be found on YouTube and she also has an awesome Blog! You should definitely check both of those out for more great tips and info!

So in other exciting news, I am still waiting for fun stuff to arrive in the mail!
Currently the mail man is supposed to be bringing in the coming days or weeks:
A package from Zoya
A package from E.L.F
A package from SneakPeeq
Two packages from Copious

I can't wait!!!! I will show you my goodies when they get here! hehe

Hope you are all having a spectacular weekend!! I am off to play with my nails now, hopefully they will turn out well enough to take pics for you!!! :)

Toni Anne


simmi5 said... [Reply]

Great post, Punk! I am sooo going to try using my dotting tool like she did.

Unknown said... [Reply]

Thanks, Mombo! I think you might be the only one actually reading my blog! Lmao!

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